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15:21 UTC, Thu 23 of Jun, 2005: Can't dial out from a 7920, I initially
get invalid number, then every initial attempt says line is busy and I
now have an X next to the phone. Any suggestions?
19:59 UTC, Wed 22 of Jun, 2005: Audiocodes MP-108 FXO, we can not
listen the conversation of the PSTN side when we are talking at the
same time, its feels like we dont have full duplex in the VoIP side.
19:52 UTC, Wed 22 of Jun, 2005: This Hongkong Broadband and VOIP is too
expensive and a scam. VoIP should be replaced by a newely developed
internet service that can be accessed by the use of a cell phone.I can
be reached by mail at newerawisp@rediffmail.com
iraklis031, 07:59 UTC, Wed 22 of Jun, 2005:
Not Getting RING Event from X100P. Any test / Debug Application ?
02:23 UTC, Wed 22 of Jun, 2005: Anyone with experience configuring
Cisco 2800-series with PC Based PBX's w/Dialogic Boards and VOS5 in a
SIP, FGD environment. Email me and we can talk
13:25 UTC, Mon 20 of Jun, 2005: SIP is working for asterisk. But IAX is
nice to have. Other way round: if you ask me as your customer if I'm
willing to pay (more) for IAX access, I would take SIP instead.
05:07 UTC, Sun 19 of Jun, 2005: Question we are a wholesale carrier,
does Asterisk users have a problem using sip for termination or would
it be better to support IAX?
futtie, 09:40 UTC, Fri 17 of Jun, 2005:
Hi all, Is there any way to prevent Asterisk from sending the first ring?
hfwang, 09:38 UTC, Fri 17 of Jun, 2005:
hmm, that URL did not work :-)
Search for 'voicemail password' and authentication through vm password will pop up
hfwang, 09:38 UTC, Fri 17 of Jun, 2005:
Need some extra eyes on this script please: http://www.voip-info.org/tiki-index.php?page=Asterisk%20authenticate%20using%20voicemail%20passwords
Here are some of my notes and sample conf files for SCCP.
Special thanks goes to Jan-Ahrent Czmok, who helped me with the setup of my Cisco 7920 on the Asterisk server.
Install Instructions
xmlDefault.CNF.XML <Default>
<callManagerGroup> <members> <member priority="0"> <callManager> <ports> <ethernetPhonePort>2000</ethernetPhonePort> </ports> <processNodeName>insert_the_asterisk_server_ip</processNodeName> </callManager> </member> </members> </callManagerGroup> OS7920.TXT echo -n "cmterm_7920.3.3-01-05" > OS7920.TXT
Create the file with the above command and enter the correct Firmware Binary file name (ie cmterm_7920.3.3-01-07)
(ip address) (server name) Needed for RTP service (ie MYPBX) /etc/asterisk/modules.conf ... noload => chan_skinny.so ; You need this to stop the loading of Skinny, a part of Asterisk server. ... /etc/asterisk/sccp.conf ; Sample phone 'Wireless' on extension 2123 [SEP(MAC address of phone)] (ie [SEP000D288E45B7]) type = 7920 autologin = Wireless description = Wireless context = sccp [Wireless] id = 2123 Label = Wireless description = Wireless context = default callwaiting = 1 mailbox = 2123 callerid = "Wireless", <2123> /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf exten => 2123,1,SetCalledParty("Wireless" <2123>) exten => 2123,2,Dial(SCCP/Wireless) exten => 2123,3,Voicemail,u2123 SEP<MAC>.cnf.xml <device> <devicePool> <callManagerGroup> <members> <member priority="0"> <callManager> <ports> <ethernetPhonePort>2000</ethernetPhonePort> </ports> <processNodeName>Asterisk IP here</processNodeName> </callManager> </member> </members> </callManagerGroup> </devicePool> <versionStamp>{Jan 01 2002 00:00:00}</versionStamp> <loadInformation></loadInformation> <userLocale> <name>English_United_States</name> <langCode>en</langCode> </userLocale> <networkLocale>United_States</networkLocale> <idleTimeout>0</idleTimeout> <authenticationURL></authenticationURL> <directoryURL></directoryURL> <idleURL></idleURL> <informationURL></informationURL> <messagesURL></messagesURL> <proxyServerURL></proxyServerURL> <servicesURL></servicesURL> </device> NOTES:
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Created by: czmok last modification: Friday 17 of June, 2005 [17:00:29 UTC] by mali
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